We recommend visiting the tourist portal of our town - Dvůr Králové nad Labem. Here, you will find plenty of up-to-date recommendations for trips, such as information about educational trails in our vicinity, details about local landmarks and history, including tips for a heritage tour around the town or even a fun game called "In the Footsteps of the Treasure of Královédvorský."



náměstí T. G. Masaryka 2
544 17 Dvůr Králové nad Labem

Tel., fax: +420 499 321 742
E-mail: info@mudk.cz
Website: www.dvurkralove.cz

Opening hours

June – September
Mon – Fri: 8 am–5 pm, Sat: 8 am–3 pm, Sun: 9 am–1 pm

October – May
Mon – Fri: 8 am–5 pm, Sat: 9 am–1 pm

Services offered
We have a wide range of tourist information on our town and the surroundings, advice on where to stay, where you can get a good meal, or on current entertainment not to be missed. We also sell souvenirs, maps and any other information to help you feel at home here.
